2011年4月29日 星期五


1. Scuffles   S開頭的馬分?!
a short, not very serious fight
2. Eyewitness  嘿嘿!這個我知道!
someone present at the scene of a crime who saw what happened
3. Congregated  喔耶!這個我也知道!
4. Set alight  拆開來我知道, 可是合起來就不瞭了
set onf fire
5. Robust  我知道Robber是強盜,Robot是機器人,但是Robust是什麼呢?
strong, unlikely to fail
6. Volatile  跟"Violent暴力"有關嗎?
likely to change suddenly, dangerous
7. Paramount  是不是國會啊??....(國會是parliament)
more important than anything else
8. Debris  這不是人名嗎?戴比爾斯之類的??
pieces of brick, metal etc. left after something has been destroyed
9. Bailiff  啥??
a law officer whose job is to take the possessions and property of people who cannot pay their debts
10. Quelled  這肯定跟皇后有關!!
stopped something violent, calmed

親愛的, 你答對了幾題?

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